Envoy (formally known as VISANOW) is a global immigration service provider that offers a platform to help employers organize, manage, and track their global workforce.
As a Product Designer at Envoy, I helped design for several user types and flows. Some of the most typical flows involved managing Foreign National employees and digital files, case profile and questionnaire completion, and viewing company reports. The users consisted of HR Managers, Foreign National employees, and lawyers, each having very different needs and sometimes different workspace views. Additionally, I designed more exploratory conceptual style tiles and pages for use in future designs. Below is a small sample of some of these different flows and designs.
Public Access Files

Case Timelines and Milestones

Company Reports

As a Visual Designer for the marketing team, one of my main responsibilities was to help rebrand collateral, email campaigns, landing pages, and other material from the old VISANOW brand to the new Envoy brand.

Example of an Envoy visa resource before (left) and after (right) rebrand

Envoy TN Roadmap Cover and Table of Contents

Envoy Case Study

Workforce Planner and Technology Onesheets

Photoshop Mockup for 5 Tactics for TN Visa Success

Desktop Header Image for 5 Tactics for TN Visa Success Landing Page

Mobile Header Image for 5 Tactics for TN Visa Success Landing Page

Desktop and Mobile Email Headers

5 Tactics for TN Visa Success Email Designed in Hubspot
My goal when designing the landing page and email headers was to maintain the look and feel of the collateral it was promoting. This way the customer would have a clear connection between the two. Often this was done by taking the cover of the collateral and rearranging and resizing it to fit the header dimensions.

TN Visa Roadmap Cover and Landing Page

5 Tactics for Successfully Filing L-1 Visa Applications Cover and Landing Page Header